Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Marinated pork loin steak's cooked in a sort of tagine

Tuesday nights experiment was a success!

I'd been staring at the two 8oz pork loin steaks in my fridge for a couple of days after deciding I wasn't going to just grill or char them. Saying this, a suitable alternative method hadn’t yet surfaced. Until...! I re-discovered my Denby casserole (sort of) tagine dish hiding at the back of the tardis cupboard. I say re-discovered, I’ve never actually used it. I found it when clearing out my grandfathers (God rest his soul) apartment a few months previous and promptly stole it along with some excellent copper based pans from the 70’s. Anyway! The tagine thing gave me the idea to slow braise the loins in a tomato based, smokey, sticky, spicy marinade. It worked, amazingly. I served it with Spaghetti Lunghi and shaved pecorino. Bravo.

Marinated pork loin steak's cooked in a sort of tagine

• 2 8oz(ish) untrimmed pork loin steaks
• 1 supermarket can of chopped tomato’s in juice
• 1 small red onion
• 3 cloves of garlic (minced)
• 2tsp smoked paprika
• 1/2tsp dried chilli flakes
• 2tsp herbes de provence
• 2tbsp golden syrup or treacle
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 1tbsp soy
• 1tbsp Colmans ‘ok’ sauce. (See my ‘Boutique Burger 2007’ recipe)
• 2tbsp chorizo oil

To make-
1. Finely brunoise your red onion and combine in a non-metallic bowl with all the above ingredients. Get your hands dirty making sure you thoroughly rub the marinade into the pork loin steaks. Cling wrap and chill in a fridge overnight or for at least 6hours.
2. When ready to cook add your loins and marinade to your tagine or casserole. Mine has a steam hole so opt for a casserole with a similar lid.
3. Cook in a 140°c oven for 1hr20mins. Gently shake the pot after each 20mins but do not stir.
4. After this hour up remove and gently stir the reduced sauce into the middle of your tagine, (this will make more sense when you actually see it for yourself).
5. Now crank your oven upto 180°c and cook for a further 30mins.
6. Remove from the oven and allow to rest with the lid on for about 20mins.
7. Eat it with nice pasta (bucatini or looooong spaghetti?) to much black pepper and fancy shaved cheese.

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